The raspberry patch gets lots of attention from me this time of year while I wait impatiently for our late berries to ripen. Because the garden is in the middle of our fields of wildflowers, new plants like butterfly weed and milkweed often try to establish themselves inside the garden fence. When I found a thriving colony of purple asters among the berry bushes, I decided they had to go. They are shallow rooted and easy to pull. The next day, in the gap where the asters had been, I spotted an amazing spider web, the early morning dew marking each strand of the intricate web. Next day the web was still there but now occupied by the largest spider I had ever seen. I ran for the camera but could have taken my time because Ms. Spider stayed in the same place for three days until high winds tore down her delicate scaffolding. I tried to find out more about this beautiful creature that instilled panic and wonder in me by its sheer size. So far I know no more than what I can see. Ironically, I caught a review on NPR of a new book about “Charlotte’s Web,” and its creator, E.B. White. The host even played parts of the audio version of this classic read by the author, with his charming Eastern accent. I have not watched spiders in a barn like he did—only in the open. But like White, I feel the urge to spin a story about this handsome creature, which is now safely housed in iPhoto, where her likeness is frozen in time to inspire me but where her bite cannot harm me .